Live the Life Out of your Life

Over the weekend, I attended a funeral for a family friend’s mother. This funeral was different than most that I have attended in the past. While the passing of such a vibrant and loving woman was sad I could not ignore the over arching theme of celebrating a wonderful life. This woman made it her mission to enjoy every moment of her 79 years and strived to live her life as much as she could. She traveled around the world, experienced new cultures and different ways of life, shared wonderful memories with family and friends and was a proud servant of the Lord.

When you really think about it, what more can we ask for out of life?

According to her eulogy she “lived the life out of her life”.

That statement resonated with me so much and I began to really question my life and how much I was enjoying it or rather "living it."

We often believe we’ll start living when we get to college; when we’re in college we say we’ll start when we graduate; then we graduate and get a job and push it back to when we get married and have family; then it's once we retire and before we know it more than half our life has passed and we haven’t lived the life we often envision for ourselves.

My question to you is: Are you living? Do you wake up in the morning feeling free and ready to experience a new day or are you waiting for the “perfect time?" News flash! There’s never a perfect time. Life is messy, full of ups and downs, successes and failures, but, through it all, one thing remains constant, Jesus Christ.

         Everyone has their own perspective on what a person of God should and should not do. Those opinions often limit us from experiencing and living life freely. When I first got saved I remember feeling trapped because I felt like I could no longer hang with friends, have a glass wine, or listen to the music I grew up with. I felt like I had to drop my culture completely because God would not approve. Yes, God does say that we should not conform to the world and be transformed by the renewing of our minds, but, he does not say that we should isolate ourselves from the world. The people of the world are those that need us the most; they need to see God’s light manifesting through us. We have to live, and allow our light to shine, so that others will be drawn to God and his word!

         So, don’t feel like choosing God’s way of life means choosing to lock yourself in a cave. It does not mean you cannot enjoy life’s splendor. You're young: Travel, meet new people, live your dreams, but most importantly, keep God first. Be bold, fearless, and faithful and never let His light escape you. Hold onto Him as He will lead you to wondrous places, places you never imagined yourself going.

Having freedom does not mean living for ourselves; having freedom means we trust God with all of our hearts. We're free from burdens and anxieties because we know God’s got us. Being free means that we understand God is in control.

My 22nd year of life was the first year that I truly began to live. Before, I simply existed. I was like many others who daydreamed and believed that I would be satisfied with life once I lost that extra ten pounds or bought my first car. While these are great accomplishments, they often do not sustain us. They do not determine our happiness with life. The more I started to draw closer to God, and developed a relationship with Him, the more I learned the true meaning of the word living.

Today, I am the freest I have ever been. The joy of the Lord is my comfort and my strength and I am confident that I can fulfill His will and purpose in my life as long as I trust in Him.  I feel empowered to travel, and meet new people, and form new relationships and bonds, that are centered on Him. He is always with me wherever I go because He is within me.

It’s amazing how He can transform our lives when we give ourselves to Him.

Today, ask yourself:  Am I free? Am I Living?

Take some time today to visualize the person you want to be and begin fervently to pursue that person.  Pray and ask God for wisdom and strength to live in His freedom. Trust in His promise for your life. Most importantly, know that one-day at a time, you and God can accomplish anything.

         Don't live your life without the thrill of changing and growing or you will miss out on the great things God can do through you. Accept the challenge of fully trusting His plan. It’s time to move from stationary to action; take an active role in your life. Life is constantly changing and evolving and you should be doing the same. Embrace life and don’t wait for tomorrow to live. Plan that trip you’ve always wanted to take or that five star restaurant you’ve always wanted to visit. Feel free to Experience and try new things as long as they are not a threat to your relationship with Him or your personal walk. There is never a perfect time to do anything. Book that ticket and "Live the Life out of your Life!"

         Acknowledge Him in everything that you do and He will direct your path. Life is just beginning, so, pick up your cross and run freely knowing that the Lord Almighty is with you forever and always. Remember that life is a choice! So stop existing! You are more than that flower on the wall! Choose to enjoy life to the fullest! Choose to be all that God created you to be.

Choose Life and Start Living!

Lauren Alyssa